Updated weekly

or whenever the mood strikes me . . .


Is it just me . . . ?

I hope I'm wrong, because if I am right then we're all in serious trouble.

The more I hear from President Obama, the more I think he has an extremely severe psych problem. It's not just that he doesn't agree with certain points of view - he honestly believes that those people would agree with him if he could just get them to listen to him. To put it another way - he's convinced he's always right.

The inability to consider that he might be wrong would be a serious problem. He's not just our President, he's the Commander In Chief of the most powerful military in world history.


Current events . . .

There certainly seems to be a lot going on of late, any event of which would be worthy of some sort of diatribe.

However, most of it is - shall we say - window dressing. Distractions to keep you from really paying attention to what is going on that IS important.

For example - let me take a look at the new immigration law in the state of Arizona. Unlike some of the knee-jerk mouths out there, I have read what I could find online of the actual law itself. The main point that I want to make about the law is - it makes FEDERAL law on immigration enforceable by state and local agencies. All they are doing is saying that what is already law will be enforced in Arizona, by all law enforcement officers (LEO's) within the state. Not really a big deal - unless you're in the USofA illegally.

So, why all the hoopla? Well, let's look at it from an international perspective. How do you think Germany would feel if it woke up one day and realized that 10 MILLION US citizens had sneaked into the country? None of them had visas for anything; most didn't have passports. These US citizens accounted for 30% of all convicted criminals in their prisons, and those prisoners were getting free room/board/health care at the expense of German citizens as well as costing the country a lot of money through the courts.

Germany would consider that an invasion - and they would be right. Every country in the world expects visitors to that country to carry their ID papers and permits with them at all times, and to follow local laws while they are in that country - except the US. Slowly but surely, the US is loosing it's right to a sovereign identity and becoming . . . a property? A territory? Isn't that what you call a piece of land that allows it's laws to be made by someone outside it's jurisdiction?

Right now, in the halls of Congress, we have US elected officials who think we should let Mexico, Cuba, Nicaragua, Panama, England, France, Russia and/or The United Nations decide what US law should be. If the day ever comes when the US ceases to make decisions about US Law on the basis of what is right for the US, (International laws be damned) that will be the day that the US has ceased to exist. Some might say we've crossed that bridge already, but I remain hopeful that we can recover our identity and begin to forge our own future again.