Ok, here it is (the image is a hot-link) - - - - - - ->
This will be my introductory post. Please note that I'm not going to fill this up with useless drivel about my family, pets, or daily life (except as it relates to a philosophical point I'm trying to make). World events, US news, and other items that help drive home my points will be used when they are available and relevant. I plan to update this blog on a weekly basis.
My basic bio
I am (as of this writing) 47 years old.
I have a documented IQ of 149.
I look like a Caucasian male, though my heritage includes as much Cherokee Indian as it does Scotch/Irish.
My formerly dark hair is now very salt-and-pepper.
Although I was raised in the United Methodist Church, I do not identify myself as a Christian. I believe that no one person or group holds a monopoly on truth, and thus real truth will be found everywhere. That includes Pagan groups, Buddhism, athiests, scientists, Democrats and Republicans. With the caveat that in the last 25 years, the only thing Republicans and Democrats have seemed to agree on is that the middle-class US government has unlimited funds to spend (which I disagree with).
Hiiiiii!!!! Glad you found me again! (((hugs))